the rantings of an nineteen year-old fangirl regarding games, anime, love, life, the universe and everything she lays her eyes on... and what she hears, too. may contain profanity. have been warned.
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Happy New Year~
hehe.. I watched Star Wars 2 just now.. and they're watching a pirated copy of Return of th ekings outside. :( I'd rather wait for January 6 for it to show here :(
^___^ heee~ anyway, i have books 5 to 7 of The Wheel of Time series, something i am very determined to finish :D
Anyway, since it's the end of 2003, maybe i'll go on ahead and make a sort of recap of the year.
>Rika's 2003 Recap!<
It sucked.
Really it did. What happened? People dying of some strange sickness. People thwapping other people over the heads just because they're in Afghanistan or in Iraq. People losing homes, relatives, friends and practically everything they worked hard for in some darned quarrel started by that American president person.
Ah, but then, who am i to talk? I'm only an ignorant girl. Pffft. T_T
What happened to me, then? Well, i turned 17, i missed c3 con, i lost my memory card, and when i did find it, it was broken, or almost broken. it still works. :D hehe... and hey! i had my blog this year~ i made my first post on february 2 or 4 this year. heheheh... what else.. oh, oniichan went to australia last august, arred proved that he has no backbone, i got into college, i kicked some jerk's ass, the deschakada has erm, nearly lost all forms of communication, and um.. um.. i cant remember much anymore.. heheheh.. ^^;;
Heeee~ what a long new year's post.. hehehehe..
Anyway, i guess that's it for me..
See ya next year~!! ^___^
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Friday, December 19, 2003
This shall be the last post i shall make before i leave..
..for Laguna, that is. Don't worry though, i'll post when i come back. :D
Yep, I'm taking off to Laguna. :D hehe. okay, so maybe not "taking off". I'm taking a little time off with some friends and classmates at Laguna, just to relieve the stress. The stress which has been laid upon us since the start of the second term.
Ooh, speaking of the stresses of the second term, i got my course cards today. Not very happy about my grades, but happy nonetheless. I got my first 4.0 today. PETEAMS. Geez, for all teh subjects to get the highest friggin grade a lasallian would get, it's PETEAMS. i wish it were ENGLONE. or COMPRO... *sigh* ah well.. and damnit! I do NOT deserve a 1.5 on BIOCOL1!!! I demand a recount! That darned teacher owes me at least a 3 on his damned subject!!! grrr!!! So far, i gots one 4.0, two 3.0s, two 2.0s and two 1.5s.. And the average of that would be... um... somewhere around 2.something. Not sure. I dont compute grades. Bleah.
Enough about grades. let's talk about tomorrow.
Yep, tomorrow, i wake up at five, eat -- or at least try to, take a bath, get dressed, get to school by 7am. We leave at around 8am, so we arrive at Laguna at around lunch time. Then we rest a while, then we have a bunch of activities, like scavenger hunting, capture the flag--yes!!-- and some other stuff. Then we take an even longer break and eat and shit. Prolly swim, too. And then night comes. We have our "Awarding Ceremonies" here. :D I hope i get an award, even if it is Most Noisy. ;D I hope my group's music video gets an award too, even if it is Most Idiotic. *sigh*
hehe.. ah well, the wheel weaves as the wheel wills or something like that.
Hehe.. Yeah, i be reading again. The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. I hear there's a CCG out there.. anyways, i like Perrin Goldeneyes. He's a wolfbrother and/or blacksmith, which means he's uber cool. i also like Moiraine of the Blue Ajah. And Rand. Especially Rand al'Thor. he's angsting in book 3, the one i'm currently reading :D hehe.. i know, i easily fall for those angsty leads.. hehehe..
I just started collecting the books, all i have now is from book 1 to book 4. I think there are 9 or 10 in all. I wish to gather them all. I want to know what the Dragon Reborn would do next. Hehe.. ^____^
I wonder how the rest of the DesChaKada is doing.. I know how Khan's been doing. He's the only person in teh kada i've been talking to lately. Oniichan seems too far away, besides the fact that he's is Australia right now. I havent been in contact with the rest.. Creole yesterday, tho.. and Oneechan a while ago, asking about the Annual party we have. I wish it would push through this monday. But then again, if it were monday, I would spend the morning doing extreme last minute shopping 'cause i don't have a gift for khan and arred and marco and benji yet. I find it more hard to get gifts for males than for females. *shrug*
Heehee. this might be the longest post i've made, aside from the quiz posts.. ehehehehe...
Anyway, back to what i was saying, it's hard buying gifts for men than for women. It's easy for me to shop for presents for girls cause i know what we want. *wink* more or less. But guys are rather... difficult. you never know what they would like until you pry their brains open, which they rarely do. either that or whatever they want is too expensive for my budget.. which is somewhere around 200 to 300 bucks. bleah. i just wish they'd be satisfied for what i'd give them... or at least appreciate them.
And i wish that i get a lot of presents this year. And i want that Death manga figure i saw at Comic Odessy this afternoon. She was soooo pretty!! I wanted that figurine even if it costs a million whatsis!!!! I wish someone would give me that.. Or a beerkada collection.. or all 4 beerkada books..
My anime life sucks. I havent watched anything nice... Okay, so i've wathced something really really nice... Angel Sanctuary movie.. but still!!!!! I wanna watch gravitation!!! and matantei loki ragnarok!!! and x the series!!! and i want new manga!!! XXXholic would be nice.. or the ragnarok manga by lee myoung-jin.. or manga by Sakura Kinoshita.. Her artwork's cute.
i wish i get what i want even once... but then, if i get what i want so easily, the fun of haggling would disappear, and it might seem worthless.. ah well.. be careful of what you wish for, as they say.
6 days left before christmas!
//currently arguing with jessie//
Thursday, December 18, 2003
because my old layout didn't work well with 800x600 screen settings. crap. i liked that layout. ah well. i like the new one too. ^______^ still matantei loki ragnarok ^___^ and it's roughly 7 days before christmas, and my christmas shopping isnt done! wah! X_x ah well. at least i'd be able to play pRO again ^^; after three months!!! hehe.. ^^;;
Sunday, December 14, 2003
I have no bloody idea why i am awake at this hour. Prolly 'cause i waited for my goddamned asshole brother to get off my computer so i can clear my email of the now active pRO_players ml. go join. Anwyays, what to rant about?
Ahh.. exams. so i didn't study that much, yeah whatever. bleah. i dunno..
Mm, oh yeah... i don't think i'd like to do some of those music videos anymore... they are a pain in the head... especially when you dont have experience... @__@
neeway, me sleepy so i rant later.. or next time... whatever.
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
gee, whiz. me's alone again. tis a big school with a lot of godforsaken people and i still find myself alone. T_T there are no friends here... T_T
damn them to hell.
okay, so maybe i just miss the gang.. i miss the times we'd stay up uber late just talking on the phone, almost all of us, 'cause me an' jessie gots 3way calling... and then oniichan got 3way calling eventually, so almost the whole gang was connected.. and we all talked at the same time, so we never understood anything we all said.. then we'd start screaming at each other for some strange and immature reason... then oniichan would shut us all up, then we'd have a happy ending... then we'd prolly have an epi, where only two people are playing and everyone else is keepin' quiet or being ignored... *sigh* okay, so maybe i sometimes feel 'alone' in the gang too. but damnit, not this much.. i've wasted too much saliva for not talking damnit. maybe i should leave....
i like my school.. for some reason i do not know. probably because it's near to a handful of restaurants and stuff...
who cares about the people here anyway? at least i know that i have jessie, oneechan, oniichan, kangsters, saku-chan and teh rest to keep me company for the rest of my goddamned life.
love ya guys. *muah!*
Saturday, December 06, 2003
Did nothing today, actually... Dunno, after all that slaving over my MP and my English Portfolio, i had nothing to do on a weekend, except for, well... um, lazing around... being a bum. hehe.
Anyway, um... yeah. i slept most of the time.. maybe because of that time... um, thursday, i slept at 4 am just completing my portfolio... Hehe... whuya..
Um, what else... oh yea... they put a limit to my internet time. only up to 11.30 pm. bah..
and i'm thinking of changing my layout once more... *shrug* the current layout is a total mess when viewed with something like 800x600 and less... *sigh*
and my exams are quite nearing... this thursday up to next week tuesday, then we come back on the 19th just to get our coursecards... *shudder* im kinda scared...
ooh, before i go... atch out for ishtah gay. *smile*
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
What's a meantime girl?
She's the one you call when you're bored because
she makes you laugh. She's
the one you talk to when you're feeling down
because she's willing to lend
an ear and be a friend. She's not the one you
call when you need a date to
your company's Christmas party, or to go dancing
with on a Saturday night.
She's the one you spend time with between
girlfriends, before you find "The
One". You know, the one who you keep around in
the meantime.
She's not one of the guys, not a tomboy, but you
don't look at her as a
"real" woman, either. She's not bitchy enough,
moody enough, or sexy enough
to be seen in that light. She's too laid-back,
too easily amused by the
same things your male buddies are amused by.
She's too understanding, too
comfortable. She doesn't make you feel nervous
or excited the way a "real"
woman does. But she's cool, and nice, and funny,
and attractive enough that
when you're lonely or horny and need intimate
female companionship, she'll
do just fine. You don't have to wine and dine her
because she knows the
real you already, and you don't have any facades
to keep up, no pretenses
to preserve. You're not trying to get anything of
substance out of her.
She's not easy, but you know that she cares about
you and is attracted to
you, and that she'll give you the intimacy you
need. And you know you don't
have to explain yourself or the situation, that
she'll be able to cope with
the fact that this isn't the beginning of a
relationship or that there's
any possibility that you have any real romantic
feelings for her. It won't
bother her that you'll get up in the morning, put
on your pants, say
goodbye, and go on a date with the woman you've
been mooning over for weeks
who finally agreed to go out with you. She'll
settle for a goodbye hug and
a promise to call her and tell her how the date
went. She's just so cool .
. . why can't all women be like that?!
But deep down, if you really think about it
(which you probably don't
because to you, the situation between the two of
you isn't important enough
to merit any real thought), you know that it's
really not fair. You know
that although she would never say it, it hurts
her to know that despite all
her good points and all the fun you two have, you
don't think she's good
enough to spend any real time with. Sure, it's
mostly her fault, because
she doesn't have to give in to your needs. She
could play the hard-to-get
bitch like the rest of them do, if she really
wanted to. But you and she
both know that she probably couldn't pull it off.
Maybe she's too short, or
a little overweight, or has a big birthmark on
her forehead, or works at
Taco Bell, or just really not that type. Whatever
the reason, somehow life
has given her a lot of really great qualities but
has left out the ones
that men want (or think they want) in a woman.
So she remains forever the
funny friend, the steadfast companion, the secret
lover, and you go on
searching for your goddess who will somehow be
everything you ever wanted
in a woman.
You'll joke to her that she should be the best
man at your wedding, and
she'll laugh and make a joke about a smelly
rental tux.
She doesn't captivate you with her beauty, or
open doors with her smile.
Mainly she blends in with the crowd. She's safe.
She doesn't want to be the
center of attention and turn the heads of
everyone in the room. But she
wants to turn someone's head. She wants to be
special to someone, too. We
all do.
She has feelings. She has a heart. In fact, she
probably has a bigger and
better heart than any woman you've ever known
because she's had a front-row
seat to The Mess That Is Your Life, and she likes
you anyway. She obviously
sees something worthwhile and redeeming in you
because although you've
given her nothing, absolutely no reason to
still be around, she is.
Anyway, yeah. I'm a Meantime Girl. Been one more
times than I care to
admit. I don't know the reason, really, and at
this point I don't even
care. I just want to let every guy know who's
ever had the good fortune to
have a Meantime Girl that we may be a lot of fun,
but we cry, too. A lot.
And someday we won't be around.
And no, i didn't do that...
Whoever did write it, i know how you feel.
Saturday, November 29, 2003
Click here for more details. And i do mean, click here.
And i do mean it. click the above link or click the link on the um... left side of this page.

Depressed Anime Eyes : You dont smile alot and tend
to hang on your own. You know you can deal with
life, but not everyone else is so sure...
What are your anime eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're just the happy go-lucky type. You might have
your pet peeves, but other than that, you're
mainly calm. Blending in with your
surroundings, you're the type of person who
everyone likes. Usually it's you who cracks
jokes at social gatherings - after all,
laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you
pretend to be stupid, but in all actuality, you
could be the next Einstein.
What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

you are BLACK
What color Gel Maker are YOU!?!
brought to you by Quizilla

SELENE: You are selene!
Beautiful, vivacious,
fierce and seductive, Selene vowed she would
destroy Lycans after her family was murdered by
the werewolves. So ruthless is she that selene
is a member of the Death Dealers. This elite
Vampire warrior class's mission is to make the
Lycans extinct. This 127-year-old
"aggressive hunter of the underworld"
combines a mastery of ancient weaponry with
modern pleasures, such as driving Jaguars and
using computers. However, Selene's ambitions
are suppressed by Kraven. She longs for
Viktor's reawakening so that he becomes the
Vampire's regent once again.
Ever wish
you could be a vampire?
Click Here to become a Vampire!
Which UNDERWORLD character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
ps: hapi bday daph-chan~ ^__^ go ReiN-sama~ ^___^
Friday, November 28, 2003
it's around eight in the morning, and a few minutes ago, i think my day started with a really nice beginning. :D
Okay, so here we are at the /crappy/ linux lab, where the screen resolutions are 400x800 or something like that, and the browser hates my blogsite, and where most of my class dominates the lab, and shit like that... Ta-kun* decided to grab something to eat before finishing with their MP's, cause thiers is supposed to be passed today, and mine is supposed to be passed next week friday. Vanyel and I tagged along.. So there, we were at Agno.. Ta-kun bought his food, i bought a cookie, vanyel didn't buy anything...
But here's the thing.. Ta-kun and I were eating... An' then Vanyel hugged me from behind and rested his head on me shoulder...
uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ =___=
Arigatou gozaimasu~!!! XD
till next post!
*not his real name
** but then again, who cares about my life? or his? or his? or yours? or anyone elses?
***why am i even bothering to writhe THAT in my blog??! why am i even ranting about him?!?! O_o
i am strange.
Thursday, November 27, 2003
Agh! @__@
College is torture. i mean, i-- WE have been running around four floors all day, staying at school until the closing hours just being in the lab finishing out machine projects, staying up until the sun starts to peek out from the goshdarned sky, get to school before eight in the morn and do more school work!!! X_x
It'd be a miracle if we live until christmas... X_x
dang... X_x i wish there was an easier way to do mp's... *sigh*
Sunday, November 23, 2003

You are a kawaii Neko! You're not very bright, and
naive, but thats what makes you so damn cute!
No one can stay mad at you. =n_n=
What Kind of Anime Neko Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday, November 22, 2003
You represent... angst.
You have an extremely cynical outlook on just about
everything. It's okay to sulk and be
depressed, but life is short, and you only get
one. It's only what you make it, and only you
can make it improve.
What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* Awww... */
Your anime hair color is green.
What is your anime hair color?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* Green...? Isn't that supposed to be the color of my MIND? not my hair? */

My inner child is ten years old!
The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* Wow, and they said my inner child was 5... */
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* Oohh... phoenix... */
Driretlan is your Vampire name.
You are a witty Vampire with a certain style that
others are drawn to.
To use your new Vampire name and become a Vampire,
go here:
What is your Vampire name?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* What? No pics? */
goddess of the moon. You stand for love and
wisdom.You are light up the night sky
What beutiful goddess are you?(with anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
/* gee, what grammar! */
Uh-oh - you are "Stop blowing holes in my
ship!" You're a little bit edgy,
honestly, and it's getting in the way of your
natural charm. We understand that life can be
hard, but take a deep breath and have a drink.
Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* Cap'n Jack Sparrow is COOL */
Seems like you are not in big trouble. Actually,
this result is actually BETTER than average.
You will have a perfect job. You will make a
lot of money. The job that you will have is
being a kind of doctor. You will not marry.
Many (wo)men will like you or did like you in
your college, but you don't think anybody is
good enough for you. You will live in a
two-story house when you are older. Two stories
all for you is good enough for you! You will
have many dinners in your house. The bad news
is that you will be very lonely and sad -
perhaps almost depressed when you are older.
Yes, you will think that money is not
everything in your life. Feel good young man.
You will not bald /*_*\ Your hair will be the
same as it is right now. You will feel that you
are one of the prettiest/handsome (wo)man there
is for your age /*_*\ You will be the over
average (wo)man. In your future, nothing will
hurt you. Only pain on the outside. When you
are 87 years old, you will die of painful
The Quiz of Luck - What Will Happen In Your Future?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* So... is that good or bad, doc? */
Who are you? No one would even know your name or
who you are. No one may even know what you
really look like. You would be known by a
series of names since you would go under many
aliases and have a number of disguises. You are
very clever and creative, and would almost
always be one step ahead of the authorities.
You would make sure no evidence of your
horrible murders would be left behind, and if
it is, no one would know it was you. You
sneaky, elusive person...authorities would have
hard time trying to catch you. You would
definitely be the mystery criminal. People may
not even know the your killings are all from
you. You would really be a threat to the
What Would Your Serial Killer Name Be? What Would the Public Know You As?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* reminds me of the movie, Catch Me If You Can */
<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )
brought to you by Quizilla
/* angel, eh...? */
Your soul is bound to the Solitary Rose: The
"When I wake up alone, the shades are still
drawn on the cold window pane so they cast
their lines on my bed and lines on my
The Solitary Rose is associated with loneliness,
melancholy, and patience. It is governed by
the goddess Merope and its sign is The Sword,
or Unrequited Love.
As a Solitary Rose, you may be summed up as a
hopeless romantic. You desire love and have so
much love to give, but thing just never seem to
work out the way you want them to. In life,
you can be very optomistic, even when things
are gray and nothing works out to your
What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* I am a hopeless romantic... T.T */
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* Myk is NOT the one :D */
A GAME-BOY. Youre like a tomboy without the love of
sports. Reality sucks, but as long as you have
your electronics you feel you can cope. Time
goes unnoticed when youre locked in your room
hooked up to your Nintendo, rocking to your
favourite collection of guitar-driven albums.
Your virtues: Intelligence, sense-of-humour,
Your flaws: Inability to cope with real life,
action-freak spirit, reclusive nature.
EXTRA: Your personality type is the only one on
this quiz that would enjoy Check it out!
What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
/* does this mean i get to have a ps2 for christmas? */
Friday, November 21, 2003
I'm considering this: leaving blog*spot for a new bloghost that supports pictures. You know, one that lets you upload piccies and stuff... *shrug* so that i dont have to link the piccies from my other site... which is kinda hard... If you guys know a nice place, tell me. =3
Anyways, kinda boring start for the day... found out that we didn't have practice the minute i stepped in teh classroom... so i get to go home early! ^___^ joy!
Maybe I should go play ragnarok once i get home... i mean, it's been an extremely long time since i played it... maybe that, or i'll just go do my MP.. yeah,t hat'd be better. I'd get to submit it on time, too...
OOh, yeah. i got my pc fixed!! It got infected by this darned worm my brother let in when he was checking mail. damn him. anyways, i got it fixed and i got all my files intact. :D Hee hee.
that's it for now, i guess...
ps: sorry val~ ^_____^;;;
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Why is it so hard to fall out of love? A friend of mine says that falling in love is like tripping and falling into a damned well, where the well either leads to wonderland, or a bottom filled with spikes, poison, rats and snakes. or something like that. He also says that the deeper you fall in, the harder it is to get out.
Damn. Pucha, ang hirap talaga.
Don't we get something like a parachute? or even better, a grappling hook? so that if ever we don't like what we find down there, we can always get back out easily... Free will. If we have free will in deciding which specialization we want to have, then so should we have free will in falling in or out of love. I think it's fair. Don't you?
but then you'd argue that i cant fight my emotions, blahdiblahdiblah. I dont give a fucking damn. I want out, and i want out NOW. who cares that that person might be the one. Clearly he ain't. And i don't think he would ever be.
I hate it. I hate it already... Why is it that when you want to let go, you just can't and then you go back to step one of the love chain? it fuckin' stinks.
I wonder what oniichan would say...?
Oh bah.
It's one of those darned teen angst episodes. WHY oh WHY am i getting this late?? argh! it's getting on my nerves, and it this doesn't stop, i don't know what i'd do to that person. *sigh*
i guess that's it...
p.s. i miss you oniichan!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2003
In case you guys haven't noticed, i've got a new layout and it's all thanks to Totally Chibi!!! ^___^ See? I've mentioned them lotsatimes now... ^__^ I love their site... ^^ although, right now, they're totally pink, which hurts my eyes, but it's okay!
I've had a hard time making my blog look like this.. at first, i wanted to host this at some site *coughgeocitiescough* but it hates me, so well, i'm back here. ^_____^
This layout features a screencap of Loki-sama. ^__^ Mantatei Loki Ragnarok rules. ^_____^
Anyway, enjoy my new layout!
THANKYOU TOTALLY CHIBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't like geocities. it won't let me publish my blog, so i'm back here at!
yeah, um, testiiing~
i'm testing this new site thing for my blog... i've never really imagined that i would leave for geocities... but ah well... *shrug*
teeeeeest~ i really do hope this thing works... email me if it does, please? thanks~
*wishing that this would work*
Saturday, November 15, 2003
Monday, November 10, 2003
Are you ready?
Are you SURE you're ready...?
Are you really really sure....?
Okay, here goes.....
DESCHA.NET IS UP AND RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
So what are you waiting for?? click the link and enjoy! ^________________^
Waaaai~ There's this new anime i'm quite obsessed with 'cause the characters are CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE~ ^_^ It's Mantatei Loki Ragnarok!!! ^_^ Actually, with the rumors of an RO anime, we pRO players started to look for them, but we ended up with Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok!!! Some stuck up pRO players would say it's crap, i say to hell with those stuck up pRO olayers!!! Mantatei Loki Ragnarok is so fun and so filled with cute bishies, i just couldn't resist!!! XD Even Loki is too cute!!! I don't care if Loki there is just, what, a ten year old.. LOKI-KUN KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD and there's Loki-kun's summoned monster, Ecchan~ the cute pink creature is absolutely adoreable!!!! punyaan~ ^______^
Tee hee~
Anyway, um, what else.. ah, i'm doing this at COMPRO2 class. mwehehehe. Sir Levi has once again skipped class! Muhahahahaha! Aherm. Uh, what else... Vanyel is cute. ^^ And a friend of mine was soooo observant, she noticed my "evil glare mode" whenever Vanyel would start latching on to someone else... Hehehe.. If ya wanna know what my evil glare mode looks like, go look for that piccie at MegaTokyo 'cause that's where i found that piccie. Note that that piccie is *not* in the strips. it's one of those piccies they use as th e header for their rant. ^^;;
Ooh, one more thing. Smilers should be banned from polymorphing into underwear. It is evil.
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
i think we're back on good terms, so please just ignore the angsty post i did. ^______^ he's starting to tug on my hair again^^
anyway, in other news, i am now a member of the Galaxy Angels Fanlisting!!!! ^_________^ Joy!! ^___^ the link's in the links section. ^^
and oh yeah. i'd be doing a new layout.. the black and gray and the occasional blue is really nice, but then it needs sprucing up... Immagonnadoanewlayout! watch out for it! ^__________^
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
This sucks to high fucking hell.
Why the hell do i have to get all angsty over a guy? Someone who doesn't even /like/ me. Someone who's trying to avoid me. Someone who's quite close to my friends[at school]. Someone who makes me get butterflies in my tummy when he's quite near... Why the fucking hell do i even fall in love?! Can't i just fall out of it? This stinks to high hell damnit!!!
I wanna get over him, but everytime i try, i trip and fall for him all over again??!?! This is shitty, damnit!!!
I DONT WANT TO FALL IN LOVE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<
i want to forget about him, i want to make him disappear, i want to hate him, i want to destroy myself just because i like him.
i wanna cry.
i wanna cry 'cause i know i'll never get that person. i wanna cry 'cause it's impossibble for him to even like me. i wanna cry 'cause it's impossible. it's just damned impossible.
my god, i'm angsting over some high school love issue. i need to get my head banged on some extremely hard surface.
i need a hug ;____;
Thursday, October 23, 2003
Why is it that every Thurday, past one in teh afternoon, i get accidents? in the Soccer Field?! >:(
First, last thurday i got my nose hit by a fastball. It wasn't thrown at my goshdarnedn ose deliberately... It was an accident. We were training for our trial game... and I was catcher.. kent pitched, but then the sun glared at me eyes so I couldn't see the ball, so I just raised teh gloved arm when i could finally make out the ball. But then the ball slipped through my glove and hit me squarely on teh nose. Which hurt. a lot. a whole damn lot. I dropped to the ground, glove covering my face, my other hand clutching my nose... I felt that a lot of people started to crowd around me... o'course Kent was there... They were all like, "Daijoubu? are you alright? Masakit ba?" DUH!!! do i look okay?! But that was a week ago. My nose is better and no, there werent anything broken. I have strong bones.
Anyway, today was different. Accidents incremented by two today.
First two were minor accidents in soccer... the ball hit me once on me ankle when i tried ta stop it.. the other was when the goalkeeper kicked it and i think he aimed at me arm deliberately... hit me left arm... *sniff* then in softball, the pitcher took a direct hit on me face... that's where i got me swollen upper lip... *snifflesob* costed an out, but then we still won... Skimphi made me sit out for five minutes, then i got back on the game. We won the softball match 26-11. ^_______________________^ Go us!
Tuesday, October 14, 2003 least, most of it...

Take the Super Mario Bros. Super Test! by the Shrine of Insanity

you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla

cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're the sad smile,the one that regrets nearly
everything and is constantly wondering about
what could have been.You're not happy with your
situation and usually blame yourself because of
the bad things that have happened.Cheer up.
What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What's YOUR sexual fetish?
brought to you by Quizilla

Harmony and balance is key. You don't look at the
world in a negative or positive way and you'll
never judge or assume a situation- you just
look at the facts. People like you are peaceful
and accepting.
What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla

Psycho. You are overwhelmed by anger. You may even
hate the world and everything in it and you
believe revenge is the way of the world. An eye
for an eye.
How Emotional Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

your fuck.
What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Kai - Cold and nasty... at least until the end.
Which Beyblade character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Kyo!
Which King of Fighters Character From The Orochi Storyline Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Orochi!
Which King of Fighters Character From The Orochi Storyline Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Chris! Aww.
Which King of Fighters Character From The Orochi Storyline Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Iori Yagami
What King of Fighters character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You do that fanart stuff! Don't deny it!
are a particularly foul breed.
Why Will You Go To Hell?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your ideal mate is Bobby Drake. With his innocent
sweetness and his boyish good looks, how can
any girl go wrong? He's the type of guy to
supply you with all the TLC that you can
handle, and he'll always be there for you when
you need moral support, or just a shoulder to
cry on. Though he is still young, he lacks the
experiences of life, and can be naive.
Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only)
brought to you by Quizilla

First priority: Loki.
Second priority: Making sure that he never finds
that out.
Take the male version of this quiz or you can go
visit Ellie @
Which female character from Ragnarok are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're the "baby" of schwarz. You lived a pretty fuxked up childhood just like your teammates. However, it didn't quite make you as psychotic and bitter as the rest of Schwarz. You are generally good-natured and mild-mannered. You're shy, reserved, innocent, and quiet... you also seem to be in love with a psycho girl who is 2yrs your senior. The downfall? You are way too much like Omi...minus the excess tears. You are not only a wuss but highly indecisive and Bradley basically plots your life chart for you. Stop angsting and grow a backbone my boy...
What member of Schwarz are you?
You are the FRAMES/IFRAMES Layout:
you just love to be mysterious. you like to only let people know so much about you and keep them at a distance. Whether it's because you like to shock them or because you just don't trust them, you like to keep everyone out. You are a person of complex layers and probably a lot of emotional trauma. You pretend to be so many types of people that you often forget who you really were. This is unhealthy in the long run because though you may be well liked and have friends... nobody seems to understand you and you will get lonely. But all this will be because you have never allowed people to understand you. Stop hiding yourself, your thoughts, and your talent.. if you open up people will embrace you sooner or later. You don't have to walk life alone.

Which Saiyuki boy are you?
Take the Saiyuki Quiz at

You're a bit of a rebel, and you like doing things
your way. A bit on the naughty side, it
wouldn't be a surprise to see people sneaking
suspicious glances over their backs...just in
case you're up to no good. But behind the
little brat in you is an extremely protective
friend. Your love is selfless, almost to the
point of self-sacrificing. You like teasing
people, but that doesn't mean you actually mean
to hurt them.
What Hunter X Hunter Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which yuri couple are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

YOU ARE ... MYSTERIOUS HERO! (Squall Leonhart from
FFVIII [ff8])
What Kind of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Terry, "the Hungry Wolf" Bogard.
You are a legendary street fighter, but kind to
everyone you meet. Fighters long to challenge
you, and like The two hunters, you live by your
own codes of honor. You're always getting into
messes of saving the world and such...a typical
spin-off of a video game hero, but a hero
What's your Inner Anime Protagonist?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your theme is definitely Cowboy Bebop's
"Rain." Sure, some people may find
you a little depressing, but that's alright...
who cares about them, anyway? Just imagine
yourself strolling through blue black alleys
all alone with nobody to bother you,
contemplating your pain and eventually you'll
feel better. Or maybe not. Depends on what
you're after.
What's Your Anime Theme Song?
brought to you by Quizilla

Li and Sakura
Which anime couple do you love the most
brought to you by Quizilla

cold.. or are you?
Find out what bishonen you are.
You're A Villian!
You evil person, you. You have a dark side to you.
Your destiny is world destruction/domination.
Just so long as those pesky heros stay out of
your way.
What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Find out what anime character cliche you are.

Bishi Fan
What kind of anime fan are you!?!?!?
brought to you by Quizilla

Find out what anime girl you are.

Find out what anime series you belong in.
You are Nahga the White Serpent. You are confidant
and have a laugh to show it although it makes
everyone run in fear and old ladies pray to
shrines for it to stop. You may wear revealing
skimpy black leather, but you don't brag at all
about your assests. You practice white magic
and believe that beauty is in the eye of the
Which Big Busted Anime Heroine are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Evil or not?
What character from a creepy anime are you?

You're Kero! (Card Captor Sakura)
Which anime mascot are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're Hotaru! Fishnets, bats, and alleycats! Rawr!
Which Anime Girl Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Awww how cute...and explosive
What's Your Anime Weapon?

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Meek! You're energetic and emotional above
all other things, which works out well
sometimes and badly at other times. If you were
on Panyo Panyo, you would be Dejiko's hyper
Which Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Rinna! You're extremely polite and like to
make new friends, but you have a problem with
falling asleep waaay too often.
Which Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Goddess of the Night. Beautiful yet a strange
darkness and sadness lurk about you.
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Goddess of Wind, calm and cool and under control.
You don't like getting personal with too many
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Goddess of winter, with a cold exterior but deep
down a warm, caring heart.
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks
about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty,
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Goddess of the Sun and there's no doubt that you
have a bright and cheery exterior!
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a Shonen-ai Fangirl!
What gender pairing steryotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Kill someone by the sword
How would you kill someone
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower
of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE
to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat
fear in your readers. You love to poke their
brains with logic dealing with the darker side
of the human mind and character. Truly
surprising and a true individual, you'll do
ANYTHING to create a scene. :)
What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are every goth-kids dream!
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

-Sensitive- You're Sensitive, and you'd like to
stay that way. Sorry,listened to a bit too much
Jewel there. You're sweet and very emotionally
charged. You definitely love the person you're
with, and always want to know how they're
feeling so you can make sure they're happy.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate?
brought to you by Quizilla
Conscious self | Overall self |
![]() | ![]() |
the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very High |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Extreme |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very High |
Level 7 (Violent) | High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Very High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | High |
Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

Random Fast-Food Mascot
What's Your Personality Type?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Gravitation Chracter are you like?
brought to you by Quizilla

What Gravitation Chracter are you like?
brought to you by Quizilla

Blue Eyes
What Color Eyes Should You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, u-- um, can we come up and have a look?
What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

What's your sexual appeal?
brought to you by Quizilla
You Have the Power to Turn Things to Stone!
What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Angelique character could you be having sex with?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a prude. Yer never gunna get laid... open
up and have sex already!
How MUCH do you like sex?
brought to you by Quizilla
buzzing, ratteling, just as long as you're moving.
you don't work without batteries though, so
don't forget to get yourself pumped before the
big moment.
What sexual toy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
done? good. now go shoo.