Monday, November 10, 2003


Waaaai~ There's this new anime i'm quite obsessed with 'cause the characters are CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE~ ^_^ It's Mantatei Loki Ragnarok!!! ^_^ Actually, with the rumors of an RO anime, we pRO players started to look for them, but we ended up with Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok!!! Some stuck up pRO players would say it's crap, i say to hell with those stuck up pRO olayers!!! Mantatei Loki Ragnarok is so fun and so filled with cute bishies, i just couldn't resist!!! XD Even Loki is too cute!!! I don't care if Loki there is just, what, a ten year old.. LOKI-KUN KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD and there's Loki-kun's summoned monster, Ecchan~ the cute pink creature is absolutely adoreable!!!! punyaan~ ^______^

Tee hee~

Anyway, um, what else.. ah, i'm doing this at COMPRO2 class. mwehehehe. Sir Levi has once again skipped class! Muhahahahaha! Aherm. Uh, what else... Vanyel is cute. ^^ And a friend of mine was soooo observant, she noticed my "evil glare mode" whenever Vanyel would start latching on to someone else... Hehehe.. If ya wanna know what my evil glare mode looks like, go look for that piccie at MegaTokyo 'cause that's where i found that piccie. Note that that piccie is *not* in the strips. it's one of those piccies they use as th e header for their rant. ^^;;


Ooh, one more thing. Smilers should be banned from polymorphing into underwear. It is evil.


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