Friday, November 28, 2003

oh joy!


it's around eight in the morning, and a few minutes ago, i think my day started with a really nice beginning. :D

Okay, so here we are at the /crappy/ linux lab, where the screen resolutions are 400x800 or something like that, and the browser hates my blogsite, and where most of my class dominates the lab, and shit like that... Ta-kun* decided to grab something to eat before finishing with their MP's, cause thiers is supposed to be passed today, and mine is supposed to be passed next week friday. Vanyel and I tagged along.. So there, we were at Agno.. Ta-kun bought his food, i bought a cookie, vanyel didn't buy anything...

But here's the thing.. Ta-kun and I were eating... An' then Vanyel hugged me from behind and rested his head on me shoulder...

uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ =___=


Arigatou gozaimasu~!!! XD

till next post!


*not his real name
** but then again, who cares about my life? or his? or his? or yours? or anyone elses?
***why am i even bothering to writhe THAT in my blog??! why am i even ranting about him?!?! O_o

i am strange.

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