Sunday, July 03, 2005

Stuff to tell
listening to: Gakuen Alice - ~gosenfu alice~ Futari no Inori
wishes for: strawberry shortcake please!
mood: boo.

My blog post counter is stuck at 294. It's been like that for the past year now. I dunno why it's not updating. 'Tis strange. I've been blogging for the past two years now, and it's stuck at 294. I've probably gone over 500 rantsposts now.

Right now, I'm supposed to be studying, but I'm not. :/ I wonder why.. o_O;

Anyway, a friend asked me about sex. I replied, "Wait two years until I graduate, wait until I get a job, and then we can go and do it." Iunno, it sounds reasonable to me, anyway. I mean, I'd be more responsible by that time, I'd be able to support myself if anything happens, and there won't be anything called 'teen pregnancy' for me. Another friend asked me about marriage. I told him that I'd like to stay single. Why? 'Cause I wouldn't have to be responsible for anyone else besides myself. No extra baggage. No extra expenses. No one to bother my lifestyle. But then again, life would be lonely. :/ Ah well. I'm still too young to think about these things anyway ;P

Yesterday was fun. I had a blast, even if all we did was sit down at the foodcourt, draw and talk about things ever so random ^_^ I should hang out with the BADeviants more ^o^ I wish I could have watched Batman Begins with them yesterday, but I really had to go home at that time. :/ Too bad. I found two of them cute =w= Not saying who~~ XD

Then again, if I did mention them, I don't think them deviants would know since I don't think they even bother visiting here xD

But just in case, I'm not telling ;P You'll have ta wheedle it out from me, yo :D

Ah! Val! I'm sorry I couldn't take you to Glorietta yesterday ;3; Maybe I should have left when you did ^^; Ah well. Maybe next time ^^

PS: I want to eat strawberry shortcake!! ;o; I miss eating cakes! ;o; I don't mind getting fat because of them!! ;o;

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