Sunday, February 15, 2004

slightly violent
listening to: X tv - Sadame
wishes for: the X ze0ro artbook

Bleah. Was supposed to meet up wit niichan online but then i went home late due to cake and traffic. Bleah.

Anyways, for some odd reason, we were talking about politics at the party. And then my ears snatched out a particular phrase that made my mind click. Phrase? "Gay Marriages". And then my trippy brain connected teh phrase with "Population Control". I ended up sending an SMS to Jem and Jessie saying: "random topic: Same sex marrieges as population control". But really, i think that is a solution to population control. I mean, hey! No matter how many times two guys do it every day, nothing would come out of it.

Anyways, where was i? Mmm. Good point. Nowhere.

Mmm. Yeah. No post from me in Yorokonde. Bleah. i havent even watched Friday's Ultra Maniac and CCD!!! WAAAAHH!!! *sob sob sob* It's all that damn boring BandFest's fault!! It was sooo fucking lame!!

Bleah. T_T i hate missing an episode of my fave series.

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