Monday, February 09, 2004

anata no yume o miteta~~
listening to: can/goo - Hitotsu=Unmei Kyoudoutai
wishes for: Count Cain and Spiral scanlations

Ultra Maniac's ending song is addictive. Though, from what the oh-so vague translation i've done so far, the lyrics are quite *coughcough* Nya. But still. It is strangely addictive. BTW, Yorokonde Review! is up. Go me. So far, Kang's the only one who's joined me, and I'm the only one currently posting.. [3 teensy posts so far]. Meh. Go us.

Anyway, i want Count Cain scanlations. I like Cain. He's such a bishie *drool* I was told Spiral was a good read, too, so i'm looking for scanlations, too. I've seen piccies, and i've spotted a cute bishie. Now, al i have to do is get his name and i shall mark him(along with Cain) as a member of my Bishounen Closet(tm)(patent pending). There.

Currently downloading CCD's opening theme, Peony Pink. I like it. It's cute. Hmmm, i might do a review on that.. hehehe.. Me evil. Anyway, i'm waiting for the uber cute NokoruxSuoh scenes to prove that they *are* a couple.. I hear there are some in CLAMP Campus Detectives. Hmmm.. They havent exactly changed in X, tho Akira's genkiness doesnt show much.. Tee hee. Me likes Akira Ijuin.

I've burned all my files in a CD again, to save space. Damnit, i need a new harddisk. i cant live with a 4Gig HD. My dad is evil. He is depriving me of disk space. He gots the HD's with the bigger capacities and left me with a 4GB HD. And my grandma is evil, too. She wont let me buy a 40GB HD. *sob* At least i gots a new Graphics drive. My old one was cruel and didn't let me play pRO. *sob* I gots more memory, too. i think my pc now runs with a 256mb.. the previous one was around 100-something mb. Bah. I need a new pc. *sob* Maybe i could get me grandma to buy me a really really cool laptop for my 18th birthday(which is this April. Hah!)

Anyway, i think i've ranted enough.


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