Friday, February 04, 2005

Happy Anniversary
listening to: Miki Higashino - Reminiscence
wishes for: more blogging years
mood: happy anniversary!!

Wow. It's been two years since bLOODRiOT was born. So far, this has been my longest running site yet. It's updated when I can, updated when I could and updated when I have something to say. But now, I have two journals. RMM and bLOODRiOT. New year, new beginnings. LJ will have my more personal posts, bLOODRiOT will have general posts. I'm just so glad that this is still alive. ^^

As promised, a new layout and back to the old URL. Why go back? Well, bLOODRiOT won't be bLOODRiOT if it doesn't have it's proper URL back. ;) Besides, a lot of you have gotten more familiar with the old URL than the new, so hey. Hehe. Yeah.

So what has happened to bLOODRiOT for the past two years? Lots of makeovers. I started with an old Blogger layout, then one from blogskins, then other, more complicated layouts until I started to do my own.. Of course, when I getl azy, I use premade ones again. Haha. Yeah. Lazy me.

bLOODRiOT also witnessed my changes. Yep. From my old 16-year old self to someone turning 19, this blog has seen it all. My maturity, my immaturity, my moodswings, everything. I don't think I can live without this blog..

Oh yeah, as a tribute to the namesake of my blog, my layout features Iori Yagami, from the King of Fighters. Without him, I dont think i could have come up with a name. Hehe. Worship the Orochi blooders.

Actually, I dont have anything more to say.

Happy Anniversary, bLOODRiOT. Welcome home.


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