Sunday, June 27, 2004

WagamamaPuu x Henachokko
listening to: The Stand Up - Hateshinaku Tooi Sora ni
wishes for: MaruMa/Kyou Kara Maou Drama CDs and the OST

Whee~ Whee~ Whee~

Oh nothing. I just got the fansubs for Kyou Kara Maou ep 9 and I'm still waiting for the rest of the series. ^^ That and I'm fangurling over Yuuri And Wolfram. *huggles wolfram* Wolfy's pink nightgown is just so cute~~ ^o^

Actually, I have nothing to post. ^^; Except that I'm kinda getting better at PPP and a teeeeeeeeeeeeeeny bit better at DMX.

I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed the MaruMa/KyouKara Maou! Mp3s ;__;

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