Monday, June 14, 2004

Tecchy, tecchy, tecchy! Part 4
listening to: The Scanty - Love Lullaby
wishes for: one last post.. just ONE last post and i'm done. ^^

the classroom

Part 4: The Classroom and The Classes: An Evaluation

Okay, let's say you have a Calculus class. Would you take it in The Classroom? No, I dont think so. See, there are some subjects where you need to be in a traditional classroom and eat chalkdust listen to the teacher drone tell the lesson and write stuff down. [I learnt this at Multmed ^^ Thank you Sir Jinno!]. There are some classes which multimedia and it's applications arent well suited for an environment like The Classroom's. Most or all math subjects arent.

Part 5: Later.. ^^;;

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