Thursday, August 04, 2005

Mother Hen?!
listening to: Sunshine Blind - Cold from Fever
wishes for: us to be on good terms now D:
mood: ding..!

Oh god, Rika's Mother Hen instincts are kicking in again D:

You might think that, "Whoa! Rika has Mother Hen instincts! It's the end of the world!!!!!!111eleventyone11!!11!!11"

But I do! D: I've even been proclaimed Everyone's Mother in DesCha (to the Dkada: remember that one phonecall where we had to describe everyone in DesCha? That was when Gino was still here, and mass 3way calling was the fad D: That's where we proclaimed Creole as DesCha's bitch, me as teh Mum, Arred as teh chicken, Khan as.. um.. what was he again?) And Niichan even said that I'm ready to be a mum any time! D:!! WHY?!

Is it because I pamper my DesCha children so much? Is it because I worry about them? is it because I worry about people and want to send them baskets of homemade cookies? (I seriously want to send Grade a batch, just to keep his 15-year old brain off of Defense Ministry work. SERIOUSLY. I mean, how can the government do that to a 15 yo!! He's a kid! And he said he wants a girlfriend! I feel like his mother!! D:!!! ) Is it because I care for people much? So much that if they skip class I scold them and MAKE them go, even if they're already massively late? Is it because I tell people that they should stop feeling bad for themselves and try make things better?

Is that so wrong?!

Eh.. okay, but what really invoked this topic?

He ripped his pants at the bus D: And if we were in speaking terms, I'd have volunteered to sew it for him D: IT MAKES ME CRY THAT I CAN'T TELL HIM THAT!! *sob*


Oh, and just a note.. It's kinda rare for me to actually DO these things, like volunteer to sew people's pants, clean up rooms, do the laundry-- no, I'm not a 'clean' person (Hey, I have better hygiene than anyone at our table combined!! D: ). I just don't like doing chores. I mean, come on! Leave my room alone! I like it they way it is, even if all my books are scattered on my desk and my pillows are all piled up and my stuffed animals cover the floor D:

Crap it, Rika. Shut the bloody fuck up about your mother hen shit. You are no fucking chicken. Lol. Lol. I made a spelling mistake. xD good thing GG hasn't waken up yet to scold me!!

Shut it, you. You're not supposed to even Haha, too late. I'm here! And you fucking better cram it or I'll make the laptops lag and you SHUT UP ALREADY!

...I hate it when those voices control your body and disable the backspace key D:

My life for Aiur!

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