Tuesday, February 11, 2003

My rant on my trip to Mt. Banahaw:

Mt Banahaw. It’s said to be a sanctuary, a holy, sacred place where nature and faith mingle. The very thought of visiting this mount excited me. This changed to frustration, though, as the spirits of the mountains wanted me to leave. I’ll explain later on.
I woke up at around four in the morning to a rather cold morning without anyone awake so I had to make AND take breakfast alone. People in our house don’t want to be woken up too early. We’re not morning persons. It was around four thirty that I got someone to accompany me and help me make my lunch for the trip. Anyway, there was no warm water at the time so I had to make do with the freezing water of four thirty a.m. I had to go through a lot of troubles just looking for my other pair f jogging pants that’s why I left the house five minutes before 5:30 and I was so afraid that they’ve already left me behind. To my relief, they haven't left. Whew.
Anyway, I had a good fifteen-minute rest till we boarded the bus. The last bus at the row of buses along D. Tuazon. And it was color yellow. Me and my partner, Sam, took our seats at the sixth seat from the front. It was a bad move since the aircon above that seat didn’t have that rotating thingy to recourse the darned cold air. Sam and I ended up nearly freezing, though I’d say I froze more than Sam ‘cause she’s used to the cold since she’s been in and out of the US and I haven't. =(
We didn’t leave until everyone was onboard. It was around six fifteen that we finally left. Anyway, we had Kuya Mon, Kuya Ed and Kuya Ranger with us so we had a fun time in our discussions on board. There were a lot of jokes thrown here and there, mostly from Kuya Mon and Kuya Ed. We ahd a sort of guessing game with monetary prizes! Sadly I didn’t get any prize though I was only one letter away from the word (the prize was even two hundred smackers!!!). When we reached Jollibee (which from hereon will be called Jabi), our stopover, we are told that our bus has a freakin’ flat tire so our class was divided in two, eighteen per group. My group ended with Four Six. Unfortunately, my seatmate Denise was with us that’s why (a) I threw up twice, (b) Four Six’s bus ALSO had a flat tire thus forcing us to ride a jeep for the rest of the trip to Ciudad.
…I should’ve gone with the other bus… =(
Anyway, when we reached Ciudad, Kuya Jaybee, IV-6’s guide who was with us then, did a bunch of lectures, explaining who and why the Ciudad’s twelve apostles were different from the popular Christian disciples and some other stuff about their altars, etc. After that, we were all gathered at one little chapel thingy where Kuya Mon did the last reminders then we headed off for Mount Banahaw. Yay!! =)
We took the traditional route: Piedra Mental, Husgado, Kalbaryo.
At Piedra Mental, we took the not-exactly-as-exhausting-as-they-say stairs. I lost count of the stairs at somewhere around a hundred fifteen. There we met a group of people who were praying, a part of the ritual pamumuwesto. Kuya Ed and Kuya Peter, our Pator, did some introductory blahs about Piedra Mental then they led us to the middle of the batis where we dunked our whole bodies in the freezing waters. I loved the water!!! =) It was cold, yes, but the cold water was somehow soothing. Kuya Ed even led me to the deep part of the water where I couldn’t even touch the bottom! Eeeep! Kuya Ed talaga… Anyway, it was a good thing I know how to swim. The only thing I’d say was hard about Piedra Mental was going back up. I got easily exhausted BECAUSE MY JOGGING PANTS WERE SO WET AND HEAVY BECAUSE OF THE WATER. Argh.
We rested a while at the top of the stairs then we headed on to Husgado. On the way we passed by Jacob’s Well. Before we proceeded to Husgado, we went to Prisentahan where we wrote our names and wishes on the slab of rock believed to be a page of St. Peter’s book. I wished for the success of my love life with my creampuff… =)
When we reached Husgado we met with IV-6. They were happily chatting and being extremely noisy at Husgado. Bad, bad, bad girls. They’re supposed to be quiet at such a sacred place. Weren't they taught to respect it like a church?! Tsk, tsk, tsk…
Anyway, we put our bags and took off our shoes down by the house and went on to Husgado. I was third to enter after Mao and Nina. At first I thought it was going to be pitch black there, but when I got through the opening, I saw lit candles by the walls. There wasn’t anything to be afraid of, after all. I mean, I don’t think there’d be any rats and other unwanted species there… I crawled my way out easy, though Kuya Peter stalled my being quick when he told me to wait before the last lap. After getting out, I asked myself: THAT was 50 feet? It seemed so short for me… I also told myself: YES! I’m going to heaven! =)
I wanted a second try at Husgado but my stomach’s call for lunch was too unbearable to ignore.
After eating our lunch, Kuya Ed gathered us an we headed to Santong Kalbaryo where Kuya Peter led us to the top. Actually it wasn’t Kuya Peter who ‘led’ the group, it was me and Sam who went ahead of Kuya Peter and all the rest and reached the top of Santong Kalbaryo and enjoyed the view of down below by a good five minutes before everyone else. We earned the congratulations of Kuya Ed because of that, too! We were also the first ones to reach the bottom. Santong Kalbaryo I would admit was the only place I felt the sanctity and sacredness of Banahaw. Maybe it was because of the group of people praying the rosary there, maybe it was the peacefulness of the top of the mount, maybe it was something else. Just being there made me feel so… ‘one’ with the world and everything created. You can't feel, see and experience THAT in busy and noisy Manila.
When the time came for us to return to Ciudad, I felt really bad again. Nalamigan daw yung sikmura ko. I trailed behind with Kuya Ed helping me through the way. That was when I felt that the spirits wanted me to shoo and get off their land. That was also when I realized that maybe I was the reason why the buses broke down. =( Poor me… I haven't even taken one step on Mt Banahaw and the spirits want me off… =(
The spirits must have been glad when the bus left for STC… I felt better. They must really hate me… =( Gusto ko pa namang bumalik… Ah, but maybe if I go back the spirits won’t send me off again… Oh well… We’ll never know. Baka si Denise lang talaga ang dahilan ng kamalasan ko… Hehehe… evil… XD

There ya go... =3

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