Monday, June 30, 2003


Hello, all you people who have banged your heads on walls just because i did not update my blog for years! =3

Just kidding. Well, I'm still doing good. College is fun! It actually is! Though all my classes are in the afternoon, meaning no time for social activities, malling, spending time with my friends, playing Ragnarok...*sniff* and other fun stuff... it's still fun. My classmates are c00l, my ComPro1 classes and Basicon classes are fun, and we get to have LONG BREAKS! whoo!

The down side is, our exams are either from 6-9 in the evening Mon-Fri or anytime between 8-5 Sat. *sigh*

Um, what else... I've tried out for the school publications. i wish i'd pass. Wish me luck.

On other news, i haven't been playing DesCha in teh longest of times. *shrug* Hideki-chan is missing... *sniffsobsniff* And everything else in teh DC world gets even more complicated, as my source told me. hmmm...

On Meteor Garden/F4:
THEY F*SCKING SUCK!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! my a** you stupid boy band! IMHO, they look like a bunch of KGB's. hehehehe. hohohohohohohohohohohohoohohohohohohohohohho!!! XD they stink to high hell. they should be banned.

On my machine project:
can anyone help me? i need to learn advanced c programming so i can make this "scientific calculator" thingy. *sigh*

On life:
still sucks, d00d.

On Ragnarok:

p.s. : This is embarrassing and all... I got this poring plush from teh Level-Up/Ragna seminar last June 25. Strangely, i named it... *shudder* Milky. Milky doesn't like Mike cause he molests Milky.

On my recent exams:
ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ... what? exam? five minutes? WHAT???

On Stuff:
There was this one time, June 20 i think, when we were watching Gawad Mag-aaral for Orient1... I was playing with this toy pig that vibrated when you pulled the string. Mike was beside me. *evil grin*

Me + Hentai + Vibrating pig + male seatmate +male groin = FUN!!!!! *evil laugh*

Oh yeah, the worst thing happened to me recently. Ma-L, a classmate of mine, showed his underwear in front of me during dismissal, math class. A few days after, i had an eye infection. Damn him. At least my eye's better now.

On the new Blogger:
COOL! I like the new layout. And the other stuff...

Nice being back... hehehe.


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