Saturday, January 08, 2005

listening to: Morning Musume - Happy Wedding Song
wishes for: brownies. because i never got to eat any today.
mood: lolzomfgzzstful0ser!

Oh gods, it was like, whoa..!!! And then WHOAA!!! and then Whoooaaaa.... You should have been there. It was awesome. We were awesome. x3 Kickass dude. Sanzo the homie was in teh house, j0!

Yes, and everyone else has an LJ and I don't. I suxx0rz! Boo! Hiss!

I saw Sanzo half nekkie. w00t for Hakkai! >w<

I am drunk. duah. from what, i do not know. o_O i mean, we didn't even drink. Oh, wait. i'm not drunk. o_O this is just normal behavior. i keep forgetting that.

Para para forever, j0!

I have not blogged for ages.

Happy new year. :D I am late, I know. I still greeted. ^^

I am random tonight.. whee! :D

My top three strangest gifts this christmas:
1. lingerie! Whoo! xD
2. an autographed picture of Jon Lapuz. O_o
3. Php600 worth of load. O_o;

My top three bestest gifts this christmas:
1. Eragon! Yessh!! FINALLY!!!
2. Php2000!! MORE FOR MY SD13 FUNDS!! WHOOO!!!
3. a laptop i never really got that. Boo.

My top three goals this year:
1. Raise enough money for a super dollfie 13 male!!
2. Get high grades, pass everything and be happy.
3. get plane tickets to the USA so I can finally leave the country and hopefully meet her. *squee*

I shall do a Creole imitation. *ahems* LOLZOMFGZZSTFUL0ZERR!!! xD gods we're all crazy.

Mango Musume gots an Ai Takahashi and Mari Yaguchi now! Whee! :D

oh yeah, i almost got caught watching Enzai last night.. O_o That was.. strange. O_o

And! I have started on Red Moon Murders! Whoopeee!!! because Adagio kept pestering me! And Amaru has turned into a manwhore! the bastard! *shakes fist at Amaru*

The first chapter of Nine Tails will be up soon. I need to edit it and fix the last part where Seiji pokes fun at *name censored until the end of part one is written because I rule*. Oh, they get to molest each other, too. *ebil laff*

i lub j00z.

and chickens are evil, j0.

ps. I need yaoi smut. care to give me some? or direct me to somewhere i can get them? for free?

Fire Goddess
Fire Goddess

What Elemental Goddess Are You? (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water) + Pictures +
brought to you by Quizilla
i wanted something else, but the description fits me so..

You're a sexy girl! You are beautiful, and you
love attention from guys, and are very
flirtatous. You might come off as a slut and
bitch to some but I think you have another side
to you that is pleaing for attention, love, and
care. You might be confident on the outside but
don't be afraid to unleash a more sensitive
side. Be better than just the average sex

What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla
omfg, where the heck did that come from? O_o

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