Thursday, January 13, 2005

Dance, Gojyo! Dance!
listening to: that silly romanian song
wishes for: 60 cd's to back-up my cluttered 40gig drive
mood: nu ma nu ma iei~

Oh gods this is addicting!!! Gojyo is so kawaii!!! *pinchii!*

Yes, well.. *ahem* There's an upcoming anime event where I plan to cosplay. It would be either Temari from Naruto (Oh gods, I'd really love to cosplay her!!!!! >w<) or Rukia from Bleach (Ohhhh~ Shinigami~~~ <3 Bleach is luff!), though most likely it would be Rukia, judging from the materials I'll be using for her costume. And I have the hair for it! Tscha~ <3 I'd still love to be Temari though.. I might even have Amiel and Mike cosplay as Gaara and Kankurou for me :D

Yes, that aside, I finally understand Operation Counting in DASALGO x3 The thing is, all my classmates are freshmen (except two, who are my batchmates but I dun even know them personally!) and I don't know what to do when I need to group myself with people for the machine projects o____o

And there's a bunch of us Filipino deviantAtists who are planning a dA convention. It's not gonna be something like an anime con, since dA doesn't just have anime artists. We have all sorts of artists. We have people who draw, who write, who take pictures, etc. So it's gonna be more like an art exhibit/gallery convention thing. ^^ I'm sure it's gonna be fun. I'm part of them people who're planning it :D

Meh. Now, I really think I'll be cosplaying Rukia. She's easier to make. *scratches cheeks* But I wanna cosplay her wearing her Shinigami clothes, not the school uniform. Cause Shinigami roxx0rz.

Bleh. I need to go to UST soon. @_@

Um, I guess that's it for tonight. :D

Toodles~ <3

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