Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Pack that Sheet
listening to: The Pillows - Skeleton Liar
wishes for: to get all this fucking shit through his thick skull

Ross and Val and a whole bunch of people and I have been discussing this one seemingy tiny problem we've had for the past i dont know how long already. jason, if you're reading this, i hope you *do* understand that all we were trying to do was HELP and what did you do? you fucking turned your fucking back on us and didn't want to be fucking helped. We know that there's a problem, we know it concerns everyone. we fucking KNOW, dhemmet. Ross and I TRIED. At least I know that ross and I tried. I dunno what the rest has been doing, but putangina, Jason. To hell with your selfish wants. You're being selfish, that's what I think. You want everyone to notice you. So what if you're in training to be a fucking Jpop idol? I think all that is bloating up your ego and has blinded your sight. Hello???? We're only trying to help here, and all you do is yak yak and yak about why we're not doing anything. DUH!!!!!!! HELLO!?? Is your brain even fucking functioning? And I hate you for being a close-minded asshole.

Agh. I'm being repetetive. -__-# This fucking sucks. Dude, if you're still reading this, to hell with you. If you dont want us to help you, fine. If you want to treat us like you're dead, fine. Just remember the last thing I told you at YM.. I hope you fucking survive the next time this happens, because i am so sure that if you dont resolve this problem right now, this will come back and haunt you when you're older, and i swear it would hurt hundred times more than this.

er.. case solved. ^^

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