Tuesday, February 15, 2005

listening to: Chie Harada - Ghost Sweeper
wishes for: that it never happened
mood: my poor boobies!

No, not really. I was molested. TT3TT Me and Erik went to SPS to get our X-Rays taken because that's what the APE (Annual Physical Examination) schedule said. So we go to SPS, take the bliddy forms we were told to get. And then I got molested. TT3TT

See, we know that the MedExams, the dental, physical, etc exams, were going to be held on March 1-3, when we get the XRay results. But noooooooooooooooooo.. stupid admin decided to screw with the schedule and made us take all med exams at once. Damn admin. Anyway, Erik and I were discussing bondage, yaoi and nudity while on the queues, oblivious to what was going to happen. And yea. I got molested. And that evil doctor's hands were damn cold i thought my breasts were frozen. =__=;

And then, when we were finally going to take the x-rays, the xray technician person asked me how old i was and i was like, "......um....... *insert longer pause here* eighteen?" and in my head i was like, "shit, how old am i again?! wtf?!" *slaps forehead*


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