Tuesday, August 31, 2004

listening to: Sister Princess - Maboroshi
wishes for: priority downloads for Shinchaos. All the time.

fuckingdhemmet!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *shakes fist* This sucks!!! >.< As soon as I logged on mIRC today, I was number one at Shinchaos' queue list with a 3/5 priority 'cause I'm a regular and voiced, and with only three hours left to wait to get my first ever BL game (Shounentachi no Byoutou -- the one with the really nummy smex scenes in hospital wards.. mmm..). That's good right? Right. Three hours pass by and I get download it. I was extremely happy. I cancelled all other downloads and closed all programs just so the transfer would be faster. And then guess what? Fifteen percent into the download, approximately one hour, my pc decides to fucking hang.


>.< I hate you Jimmy. I swear, when I get my laptop, I am so gonna make fun of you, you damned machine you! >.<

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