listening to: right now, nothing.. just the aircon and other people typin in teh lab
wishes for: lunch. i'm hungry.
Haha. Just finished my last class for the day. My Tue-Thu sched is so far okay... But my MWF sched sucks. Its gots seven fecking hours in between my two classes. Ah, feck.. waitaminute.. I only have four subjects and two labs?!?! and they all cost me 18units?! shiyet! >0
Waa... This isn't right.. I can't open the Always Y page in this terminal when I accessed it on the other terminal just yesterday... *sobs* *sighs*
I was supposed to comment on something i read yesterday, but i forgot..
oh, and yeah. since when has independence been so bad? I mean, I'm an eighteen year old already, and they expect me to make my own decisions, but when i DO make my own decisions, i get my head bitten of.. wtf?! *glares*
Oh, and I claim Uryu and Kanou(I like his psycho-sleepy look) from GB! >3
Which Ringwraith are You?
By Lisa
uh.. okay..
Which Annoying Two Towers Character are You?
By Lisa
whiny little bugger.. xD
Which of Lisa's Obsessions are You?
By Lisa
uh.. right. oh, look, mommy, flying cows!
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